Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jeff Bezos Essay

Jeff Bezos is an American entrepreneur who was very influential in the growth of e-commerce. He is the chief executive and founder of, Inc., a company that began as an online merchant of books before it expanded to a wide variety of products. is the largest retailer on the internet and the model for internet sales. According to Drexler (2007), Bezos began his early career in house school. He developed the Dream institute which promoted creative thinking among the young students. He graduated in 1986 from Princeton University with two degrees, computer science and electrical engineering. In 1990, he joined D.E Shaw & Co. where he became the vice president. In 1994, he quit the company and opened a virtual bookstore in Seattle, Washington. He worked from his garage for a while as he developed the software for his site which he named The greatest challenge for the company came in 1995, when Bezos needed money to launch his company. He needed $1 million to keep the company running for at least 2 years. It was very challenging because he needed the whole $1 million at once. According to him, this was a time when the company could have collapsed even before it got started. It was difficult for investors to fund his idea because they were skeptical about the potential of the internet. Ultimately, he managed to raise the whole amount from about 20 angel investors. Another challenge was convincing people to buy products via the internet when they could make a special order from retailers and get the product at their door step. In addition, every retailer streamed online (Drexler, 2007). Because of the competition, the company’s market capital dropped from $32.1 billion to $8.9 billion in six years. Some people even called it â€Å"† because it seemed like a non-profit company. Bezos is eager to maintain the success of his business for many years. Kendrick & Vershinina (2010) assert that he created an excellent brand that strives on adapting to the evolving business environment and constant growth. He believes that if customers get a great experience from a retailer, they will definitely tell others about it. Therefore, the word of mouth is a great marketing tool. He has been described by many as a laughable and goofy individual, a personality that is carried to the work environment. He keeps the employees happy but ensures that they accomplish  the company’s goals. However, his word is always final. As much as everyone is allowed to be innovative, the final decision comes from Bezos. This kind of leadership limits what the executives can do but that is the culture at Amazon. One of the former employees alleged that is to some extend run as a sole proprietorship (Kendrick & Vershinina, 2010). The culture of Amazon promotes openness among all employees. The top management, including Bezos, supports this culture and every other employee adheres to it. It has allowed everyone to share any innovations and different ideas that would make the company better. Because of the advance, a customer can use his previous payment information to buy other products, through the one-click ordering technology. Bezos management style is customer-centric (Marques, 2007). The company understands that it is all about providing what the customer wants. According to Daft & Marcic (2010), Bezos’ management style also ensures that the leaders keep their egos in check. The needs of the company come before the management’s whims. Nonetheless, he also ensures that the management works together to improve the brand and leadership style. Weekly management meetings are held for four hours. The executives are expected to make presentations regarding new products, pricing strategies, technologies, or cost-control measures in the company. He then asks questions to his satisfaction. Therefore he is very strict and precise on what should be done. He asks for every possible form of evidence or data on the problem being tackled. As a leader, he is also persevering and hardworking. Despite all the struggles he went through to begin his company. He persevered and worked hard to remain competitive. In fact, he argues that most investors give up too quickly. If he had given up, he would not have managed to raise $1million to launch his company. Moreover, he believes that ownership matters when building a good company (Marques, 2007). The owner of a company thinks long-term unlike an employee who thinks in terms of his salary. Therefore, the owner is able to plead passionately to ensure that his ideas and projects succeed. His hiring bar is raised higher. When hiring, he looks for people he can admire and learn from. Therefore, he looks for the best employees and does not compromise on the right skills and quality of work. However, Bezos asserts that Amazon is not always keen on what will happen in the next quarter. The company is willing to invest in an employee and wait to reap the benefits in future. Furthermore, he only spends money on the issues that matter. For the company’s headquarters in 1990s was located on Seattle’s skid row. Even when the company was worth about $500 million, the company was still located in the same building. Bezos believes in spending money on things that matter (Daft & Marcic, 2010). Nonetheless, there is the ‘Just Do It’ award that is given to employees who come up with positive innovations for the company (Thompson, 2011). It encourages employees to be creative. He also encourages innovation by hosting monthly lectures from renowned scientists. The lectures are aimed to spark new ideas in the employees that could revolutionize the company. However, he also decides whether or not an employee can pursue a new idea. The company also has special days where employees can come to work with their children. There is a special room where children can play games as their parents work. He uses the top-to-bottom management style. In some instances, he personally manages a project to make sure that it is done to his specifications. He believes that every manager or leader has to spend some time in the trenches. Therefore, it is his responsibility to oversee activities in the company, ones in a while. In fact, every year he spends a week at each of the company’s warehouses checking on how things are run and looking for better ways to improve the company and make more profit. Ideally the working environment at Amazon is dominated by Bezos (Thompson, 2011). According to Goethals et al. (2004), the partnership strategy at Amazon has also been very successful. The company partnered with various companies like,, and among others by buying an equity stake in the companies to share their prosperity. Additionally, it  charged them placement fees on the site to promote the sites. Therefore partnerships have helped the company to make more profits and attract more customers. Bezos has greatly impacted the business world because of his wisdom and innovation. He was intelligent enough to quiet a good paying job to start his own from scratch. Although he began with selling books, he now dominates the internet with his company, He also revolutionized shopping. Currently, every item, from a toothbrush to a car can be bought online because of his innovations. He is also known for contributing towards politics. For instance, in 2008, he contributed towards $100,000 to the Democrats to ensure that the income tax initiative in Washington was defeated. Anders, G. (2012, April 4). Jeff Bezos reveals his no. 1 leadership secret. _Forbes._ Retrieved June 16, 2013, from Lyons, D. (2009, Dec 20). The customer is always right. _Newsweek Magazine_. Retrieved June 16, 2013, from Northouse, P. G. (2013). _Leadership: Theory and practice._ (6 ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publishing. The World’s Billionaires. (2013). Retrieved June 16, 2013, from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bottle vs breastfeeding Essay

As a nurse, I will tell the young mother that breastfeeding is always better than bottle feeding. As a new parent, it is her responsibility to make sure her baby will get off to a good nutritional start. Breastfeeding does have its’ benefits. There is no doubt that breastfeeding contains all the nutrients your baby needs for proper growth and development. Studies prove that breast milk provides optimal health benefits for your newborn. Mother’s milk is easily digested, has perfectly matched nutrition for the baby, and is filled with antibodies that protect against infection. Furthermore, breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from ear infections, diaper rash, and intestinal upsets. In addition, breast milk offers immune system boosters and fatty acids specific to humans that promote optimal brain growth. Not only does breastfeeding benefit your baby, it has many advantages for you. Breastfeeding is convenient. There is no need to get out of bed at 2 a.m. to prepare a bottle. All you have to do is hold your baby to your chest and feed. Next, breastfeeding is very economical. Since breast milk is self- produced, you don’t need money to buy an endless supply of food. Last, breastfeeding is helpful in the process of returning your body to its normal state. While feeding, hormones are produced that make your organs contract into their natural size. One con about breastfeeding is that nursing is definitely time-consuming. A newborn baby typically feed every 2 to 3 hours during the day and may awaken frequently at night. Another con is breastfeeding takes a lot of energy for your body to make milk, so the mother can often feel quite fatigued. Another con is sometimes mothers have physical problems like mastitis, plugged milk ducts and engorgement if the baby is not feeding frequently or properly. If you are a working mother you might find it challenging to schedule nursings. It will be necessary to pump at work and some jobs may not allow for such breaks . 1 What if she has to return to work? Like I said, if you are a working mother, you might find it challenging to schedule nursings. It will be necessary to pump at work and some jobs may not allow for such breaks. But, to breastfeed you will have to find time  during the day, during the afternoon, during the evening, and if possible at night to pump. 2 Should people be allowed to breastfeed in public eg a restaurant? So , if you are eating in a restaurant, should your baby eat from the breast? Yes, mothers should be allowed to breastfeed in public, even at a restaurant. Breastfeeding is completely natural, and it should be acceptable. Breasts were not intended for sex; they were intended to be used to breastfeed whenever and wherever the baby needs to be fed. Yes, it may be inappropriate if an entire breast is shown, but most mothers take caution in not exposing all of themselves. They are simply trying to feed their child. 3 What if the patient is from a third world country? I would give the same advice to a third world country mother, as I would to an American mother. I would not discriminate. So, she is from a third world country, to be talking to me she is in America now and there are plenty of free nutritional programs for her and her baby to take part in. I would still advise breastfeeding her baby. 4 Is there a federal/state law that governs breastfeeding? Section 7(r) of the Fair Labor Standards Act – Break Time for Nursing Mothers Provision President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on March 30, 2010. (See the combined full text of Public Laws 111-148 and 111-152 here.) Among many provisions, Section 4207 of the law amends the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 (29 U.S. Code 207) to require an employer to provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for one year after the child’s birth each time such employee has need to express milk. The employer is not required to compensate an employee receiving reasonable break time for any work time spent for such purpose. The employer must also provide a place, other than a bathroom, for the employee to express breast milk. If these requirements impose undue hardship, an employer that employs fewer than 50 employees is not subject to these requirements. The federal requirements shall not preempt a state law that provides greater protections to employees. 5 Does men have a different opinion about breastfeeding as compared to women? I could not find a difference of opinion on breastfeeding by men. I read  where most men support breastfeeding. Most men found breastfeeding to be healthier for baby and mother. Most men find that breastfeeding saves them a lot of money. Most of them do not mind their wives breastfeeding in public too. 6 Should you heat a bottle in a microwave? The microwave changes the molecular structure of whatever you heat up in there. Breastmilk has essential nutrients that your baby can benefit from so you don’t want to deprive your baby from that! I would say to not take any chances. Take the extra time for the benefit of your baby and run the bottle under warm water or put it in a bowl of warm water or get a bottle warmer. It is not advised to heat up formula or breastmillk in microwave. I wouldn’t risk it. (7) Should you put a child to bed with a bottle in his/her mouth? Letting your baby go to sleep in his crib with a bottle of milk or juice is not a good idea. Not only will your child come to depend on having a bottle to get to sleep, but leaving a bottle in your sleeping baby’s mouth can cause tooth decay. There is a chance your baby may choke and it also can be the cause of a chronic ear infection. When a baby drinks lying flat on their back the milk can flow through their ear cavity causing infection. It is not recommended to put a bottle in the crib with the baby. I suggest a pacifier. That might be a better alternative. References: Breast vs. Bottlefeeding. (2008, May 19). In Retrieved 19:08, October 12, 2014, from Examine best practice in breastfeeding.. (2004, January 11). In Retrieved 19:06, October 12, 2014, from Breastfeeding and the Workplace. (2004, March 01). In Retrieved 19:06, October 12, 2014, from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Americas Backlog on DNA Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Americas Backlog on DNA - Research Proposal Example Consequently, there has been a backlog in the laboratories and state departments that handle criminal justice cases. The improvement in the efficiency of the technology to reduce cost and time taken for DNA analysis and the increase in the number of DNA testing and analysis facilities and resources can tremendously wipe out the backlog that is already piling up. This document seeks to present how the improvement in efficiency and proper implementation of the DNA technology can help clear to backlog of DNA cases and to recommend the possible ways of ameliorating the situation. The evidence provided by the DNA testing is the most compelling and is steadily becoming inevitable in court cases. Despite this fascinating nature of DNA technology, it has been threatened by the buildup backlog of DNA case files or experiments in the testing facilities. The problem of backlog has been a vicious challenge as a result of ever growing large number of cases which primarily require the use of DNA to provide strong evidence. The resources, the facilities and the efficiency of the technology may have been growing at a relatively lower rate, leading to delayed process of handling DNA cases especially at the testing and analysis stage. DNA is renowned for its unchallenged evidence on identity. This has sparked scramble for the DNA technology in various fields of which criminal justice is the leading consumer owing to the fact that the ultimate focus of criminal justice is the undisputed evidence. Criminal justice is a busy field, always handling numerous cases as offences that require such strong evidence keep proliferating on a daily basis. This also contributes to it being the largest consumer of the DNA technology. With its domineering quality of providing immaculate evidence which gives the court an easy task of making a decision over a case, the DNA technology has taken a center stage in criminal justice. The

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The subject of assignment at the assignment criteria box Essay

The subject of assignment at the assignment criteria box - Essay Example Multinational companies are those companies with branches in several countries. A multinational company is a main company that produces in foreign countries through its branches or partners situated in several countries. The policies of the branches and partners are directly controlled by the parent company which sets strategies for all the activities of the company that go beyond the boundaries of the host countries. These include; product marketing, personnel, financial matters as well as production strategies. The policies may have host country orientation or parent country orientation (Feldman, 2008, pp.22-27). A multinational company may be owned by citizens of one, two countries or more. In another situation, a company may establish branches in different countries in order to reduce the cost of transporting raw materials in order to reduce the final cost of the products that is added to the consumer price. A company may also establish branches in countries that import its products in order to escape import tax that may be enforced by the importing country against foreign companies. An example of this is when external levy was enforced against outsiders by the European Community, companies from the United States engaged in Foreign Direct Investment in order to evade these tariffs (Howard Perlmutter, 1969). Fluctuating exchange rates are also a factor that leads to the establishment of multinational companies in order to avoid losses that are associated with these rates. This phenomenon arises when companies produce at a high value of the local currency and then the value falls during exportation. They opt to establish a subsidiary industry in the importing country. Competition is also a factor that gives rise to multinational companies. A company X in one country may be producing the same products as another company Y in a different country, both competing for a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Age Effects Individuals Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

How Age Effects Individuals Health - Essay Example Furthermore, it also is not a disease that all elderly people are vulnerable too. Health research studies have shown that older people who regularly engage in an exercise program at least three times a week are less likely to get this disorder than those who have never been interactive in exercise regimens (Consumer Affairs 2006). Also, certain addictions to consumer products such as "tobacco" or even "alcohol" have been shown to make a person age faster than their actual years. For example someone who is 45 years old and who has smoked since they were 13 can show signs of cognitive break down faster than a person who is 55 years of age (Cross Currents 2004). The point is that some addictions are very bad for your health and can bring on serious illnesses before you even get old. Smoking is just one of these addictions and it is known that by engaging in smoking cigarettes or even cigars, the rate of cognitive decline can be five times higher than for those who have never smoked (Cro ss Currents 2004). Some perceive smoking to be one of the main causes of age related illnesses before their time. Studies have found that smoking creates so many adversities for people and their health, defining that by middle age people can have many respiratory ailments that are so severe it makes them appear to be older than what they actually are (Edelson 2006). There is no doubt that the majority of people in society are aware that smoking kills but the problem here is that they believe that it takes longer than what it actually does. Many people think that they won't have any repercussions until they are in their latter fifties or mid-sixties but this simply is not true. Again this shows the idea that people view age as the key window to defining what health problems a person will have, it is totally wrong (Edelson 2006). Nevertheless, there is a good point to this adversity. By quitting smoking, at any time, a person has the ability of increasing their percentage of turning t heir health around. Their age will start to improve in an outwardly way as they continue to include more healthy habits into their lifestyle to replace smoking. The point that is being made is the fact that from a social perspective people have a good amount of control in how they age and how their health is affected. They have the power to prevent or slow the progression of a number of serious or fatal illnesses simply by changing their behavior patterns and also by focusing on what they eat and drink. There are many alternatives to prevent illnesses from occurring as well as many social factors present that encourage or promote diseases (Cross Currents 2004). So this is pointing out that just because you are at 67 years of age or older doesn't necessarily imply that you have to worry about getting the diseases that are labeled for the older generation. Young people aren't invulnerable to them either. There are things that people can do to prevent ever having to worry about illnesses such as dementia, heart disease, osteoporosis, and many other so called "age related" illnesses. In order to validate the point about dementia, one specific st udy that was carried out by a group of

CompareContrast Nathaniel Hawthorne's heroines in The BirthMark and Essay

CompareContrast Nathaniel Hawthorne's heroines in The BirthMark and Rappaccini's Daughter - Essay Example This has led to a few of them being described as "dark heroines" (Bell, 20); Beatrice Rappaccini, the bewitching daughter of the brilliant, but sinister scientist Rappaccini and to a lesser extent, Georgiana Aylmer, the beautiful young wife of the obsessed scientist Aylmer, are examples of poignant, yet powerful 'dark heroines'. This short essay shall compare and contrast the heroines of two of Hawthorne's short stories, 'The Birth-Mark' and 'Rappaccini's Daughter' respectively. This essay shall cite appropriately from them and other secondary sources to show that, while both the heroines testify to their purity of character by their ultimate sacrifices, Hawthorne's portrayal of Beatrice Rappaccini more than Georgiana Aylmer, aptly suits a 'dark heroine'. Both 'The Birth-Mark' and 'Rappaccini's Daughter' of Hawthorne warn the society regarding the excessive pursuit of science and technology without morality. The stories end as tragedies with the heroines falling victims to the evil obsessions of the dominant men around them. In 'The Birth-Mark' Hawthorne depicts his heroine Georgiana as a powerful image of beauty, that she is praised by her husband Aylmer as one who "came so nearly perfect from the hand of Nature" (The Birth-Mark 1021). She is young and beautiful, but for one "visible mark of earthly imperfection" (The Birth-Mark 1021) on her cheek. ... er husband in particular, and the male world in general perceived as negative - "Masculine observers contented themselves with wishing it away, that the world might possess one living specimen of ideal loveliness without the semblance of a flaw" (The Birth-Mark 1022). Indeed this becomes the focal point of the story itself, and ultimately causes her death. Hawthorne introduces the element of evilness in the form of Aylmer, young Georgiana's science-loving husband; what was trivial matter to him before marriage, appears "more and more intolerable with every moment" to him after marriage, and he is obsessed with removing it, so as to make her perfect. "I am convinced of the perfect practicability of its removal" he retorts to her innermost fears of it being fatal. Here again Hawthorne introduces the element of fantasy in the form of Georgiana's dream, of approaching doom. He scorns, scoffs, chides, coaxes and cajoles her (The Birth-Mark, pp. 1027-8) to have trust in his science, and even tries to hide the fact that it may be "dangerous" (The Birth-Mark, p.1030). Though Hawthorne's heroine is aware that the experiment may not be to her advantage, she is sweet and pure in character, loves her husband so much that she is unable to see him pained over the blemish in her cheek. She would rather give her life than allow it to stand between their happiness, and begs him "Remove it, remove it, whatever be the cost, or we shall both go mad!" (The Birth-Mark 1030) That her love is pure and untainted is explicitly brought out by Hawthorne through her quiet words "There needed no proof; Give me the goblet I joyfully stake all upon your word" (The Birth-Mark, 1031). She remains true in her love for her husband, till her dying moment, though she allows him to realize his folly of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Human wk 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human wk 11 - Essay Example When I say this, I mean that the teacher helps them learn through their learning style and keeps them excited about learning. As a scholar practitioner, I think it is important to understand those things or issues that motivate a client to do or not do something. As an example, money may be a motivator for some people, but it is not always the most important issue in someone's life. When thinking about social change, I think that many people are motivated by different issues in society and they stand behind those that are most important to them. As an example, I believe that teens must have support to get through some of the tough times that they go through with their friends and we must help them deal with these problems or they become larger. I also think that as a scholar-practitioner, it is our duty to make sure that we understand the influences and/or motivations that our clients have in order to help serve them more accurately. References Reeve, J.M. (2009). Understanding motiv ation and emotion. Fifth Edition. NJ: John Wiley & Sons Assignment 3 I think that it was very important to understand those things that motivate us in order for us to move towards a goal. In this course, I stated in the beginning that I had the goal of making a success of my life through getting my Masters degree.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1

Law - Essay Example Article XX of GATT is significant, because it provides scope for GATT members to exercise environmental restrictions in certain instances, despite their being inconsistent with the free trade obligations spelt out under the provisions of the GATT. It is especially significant from the perspective of environmentalists, because it strengthens their case by allowing restrictions on trade to be place in the interest of protection of the environment. But this article also makes it clear that such restrictions cannot be exercised by States when their implementation would be tantamount to discrimination against other States. As a result, it provides scope for those in favor of free trade who wish to contest environmental restrictions. The relative efficacy of Section XX of GATT from the perspective of environmentalists and free trade proponents is detailed further in this report. The broad objectives of the GATT – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade- have been to foster trade among countries and to reduce the restrictions that are imposed by individual nations in order to protect their own, narrow, regional interests. The GATT was intended to represent the common set of rules and regulations to settle trade disputes through negotiations among the countries.3 Hence, the GATT seeks to promote a free flow of trade between all members who are its signatories. Multilateral agreements on the environment are those agreements made between various countries with the objective of preserving and protecting the environment. They may comprise two kinds of agreements: (a) agreements on the preservation of the environment through measures like preventing global warming, ozone depletion, rise in sea levels or other measures related to the environment and (b) agreements that link trade and the environment, wherein certain measures are

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Salinity groundwater in eastern province saudi arabia Term Paper

Salinity groundwater in eastern province saudi arabia - Term Paper Example As such, the country suffers from the consequent desert effects, which include lack of enough clean water since there are no perennial rivers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia depends on surface water resources which include the annual rainfall of about 300mm that occurs between October and March in southeast Saudi Arabia (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2009). Moreover, other parts in Saudi Arabia depend on groundwater especially in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. Just like in any other part of the world, water quality is very fundamental for the development of civilization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Indeed water quality helps in establishing a database for planning future water resources development strategies in the country. Notably, the central and eastern region in Saudi Arabia depends on groundwater for domestic and industrial purposes. Geologists and other environmental experts confirmed that six major consolidated sedimentary old-age aquifers called the Arabian Shelf are the main sources of groundwater in Saudi Arabia (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2009). Depending on the geochemistry of the underlying aquifer, the groundwater from the Arabian Shelf contains dissolved salts and other components that contaminate the available water in the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia. Various factors define the quality and contamination levels of groundwater. Such factors include the irregular recharge in arid regions (Sharaf, 2012). Such variations occur in different times and in different places including the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia. Most assuredly, the chemical and physical components in the groundwater may be in significant levels that lead to adverse health and environmental effects. In the Arabian Shelf, such constituents are in excess of their permissible limits that promotes health hazards and environmental problems (Al-Zarah, 2007). This

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Managing High Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Managing High Performance - Essay Example There is collective ownership of the work. On the other hand, autocratic system excessive control in the autocratic system creates resentment, absenteeism and increased turnover. Decentralized system is favorable to centralized system. Though certain decisions will have to remain at the main office, certain functions will be left with the smaller units. In the decentralized system, each of the units will have the power to make their own decisions as regards most matters. This will help in greater participation by the employees in the project work, and will foster faster decision making (Reddin, 1999). Self directed work teams are preferable to conventional teams (Wright, 2006). The self directed work teams are particularly important because it is the team- not the supervisor which assigns the work, the team completes the whole piece of work, are responsible for and have the authority to correct problems with work flow as they occur. In addition, the team also receives rewards and feedbacks at the team level. This reinforces hard

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cynthia Morris Essay Example for Free

Cynthia Morris Essay There is a quote that says: Mothers are angels who teach their children how to fly. Indeed my mother was an angel who in my younger years I thought was sent here to torture me especially when I wanted to hang out with my friends instead of doing chores or homework. My mother was the pillar of strength, love, and compassion. Mothers may be misunderstood but that doesn’t mean they don’t care or know better. My earliest memories of my mother, was her pretty face, beautiful smile, and small frame. To me she was the most beautiful woman on earth and nothing compared to her. Even though she was unlike the celebrity moms who wore designer clothes and ate in fancy restaurants, my mother was very real. My mother was a very small, petite woman who you did not want to cross. I loved the way she combed her hair. I loved the way she would play with my hair or rub my legs after a track meet even when I smelled like sweat. On the incidents that my siblings and I crossed my mother her big brown eyes would squint with disapproval. But I came to love that about her. When those brown eyes started to squint it meant you had done something wrong. Even though there were seven children my mother never played favorites. But rather, made appoint to be fair and equal with all of her children. Whenever I admitted to making a mistake, Mom would not hesitate to point it out to me, and punish me if needed. At times I detested it but over time I came to realize that Mom did that because she had my best interests at heart. She was never one to hold grudges for long. Like most mothers, my mother was very protective of me that often times I resented her for being so. I did not understand why she had to constantly ask about my whereabouts: Who I was with and where I was going. It never occurred to me that this was an essential part of being a mother. A mother cares and worries for her children. My mother taught me that getting reprimanded did not mean she loved me less. On the contrary, she showed me that when she scolded me, it meant she cared and worried about me. Mother certainly had her own flaws but I came to accept, in fact love every bit of them. When she called me non-stop, it was because she missed me or needed something or I had made her angry about something. Some may have called it nagging, I call it loving. For a person to wear her heart on her sleeves is a vulnerable thing, my mother was never vulnerable. In fact she was very strong. She never backed off in a fight especially if she knew she was right but she also knew how to compromise too. But compromising for her did not mean that you were wrong. Compromising was just another way of getting things done – later. When I started school, mom was my ally. To me, school was a world were ghosts and bad guys lurked. Instead of laughing at my fears, my mother showed me instead how great school was. My first day of school, she prepared my favorite snacks and walked me to school. Instead of leaving me at the gate, she walked me to the door, knelt down and told me: â€Å"Don’t worry, everything will be ok†. Although these words are pretty naà ¯ve, to a child on her first day of school, these words were more than enough for me. I went to school that day knowing that Mom was there for me and I learned to enjoy school. I made a few friends and introduced them to my mother who was more than happy to give us cookies and milk for snacks. Although my mother was a stay at home mom, she taught us how important an education was. Mother also taught us the value of relationships. This was evident in her relationship with my Dad. She was married to him for over 40 years before she passed and that for me was not just a manifestation of an enduring love for a person but of trust and fidelity as well. I am hoping that I can do the same in my relationship. Being married to the same person for over 40 years is not a mean feat. It takes a lot of patience and understanding to do this every day. Our generation today does not seem to realize the importance of maintaining a relationship. I, on the other hand, would want to be like my mother. I want to have a long lasting relationship with my partner just like my mother did with my father. I know my mother is not perfect. She had flaws too. But for me, those flaws were tiny imperfections that made her all the more lovable and perfect. Those flaws just made her humanity more evident. My mother was and now is an angel who taught me to fly and dream.

Person and Specific Personality Essay Example for Free

Person and Specific Personality Essay 1. What does the mask symbolize? The mask is a person or personality that is seen by people who can only see that type of person or that specific personality w/in that individual. 2. Could this poem apply to other people who are not African-American? Explain your answer. Yes because, there are people who go about their business and there are those who like to provide emotional devastation to others around the whole world. And the mask gives the person, whose metaphorically wearing the mask, the identity of a particular type of individual that the critics and haters see them as. Because I Could Not Stop For Death- Analyzing Details 3. What kind of person is Death? How does the poet characterize him? He is patient and nonchalant about his duty. As if Death was a kind thing. 4. What does the house in stanza #5 symbolize? I think it symbolizes a cemetery. 5. Readers often have different opinions about the final stanza of the poem. Some believe it holds a tone of terror, while others think it expresses confidence and acceptance. What do you think? Explain your answer. I believe it’s a spiritual energy given off by the â€Å"House†, and I would also have to agree that it is an expression of acceptance. As I was reading my mind would shuffle through what it could possibly mean, with each line this happened and so I read it a second time and then understood what message was trying to be conveyed.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effects of Diet and Exercise on the Human Body

Effects of Diet and Exercise on the Human Body How to Maintain a Healthy Body How do we maintain a healthy body? To look at this we need to first decide what health means. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.1 If this is the case then having a healthy diet may not mean that we have a healthy body. We also need to take into account that how we look at health has changed dramatically over the years. For example in the 17th Century the major factor of health was things like the bubonic plague due to fleas on rats. Today we have to worry about things like obesity and swine flu. I am going to look at numerous factors which contribute to a healthy body. I am going to look at diet, exercise and social factors, all of which I believe can contribute to maintaining a healthy body. Firstly I am going to look at the effects diet has on our body. For humans to survive we need food, however, we need certain types of food and we need to eat a balanced diet to have a healthy body. The foods we should be consuming to have a healthy balanced diet are; proteins, fats and oils, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, fibre and water. We need each of these food groups for a certain reason. For example we need protein to help our body repair itself, we need carbohydrates as these are broken down into simple sugars like glucose which is the primary source of energy for the brain, and we need iron to form red blood cells which carry oxygen round the body. If we eat less or more of these than we require this may cause problems for our body making us unhealthy. It is typically known that a diet high in fruit and vegetables is good for our body, however it is not widely known that if we have a diet lacking in these that it can be very damaging to our body. The WHO estimates that 2. 7 million deaths are attributed to a diet low in fruit and vegetables every year2. If we have an unhealthy diet this can cause a number of chronic diseases including: high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and cancer2. Each of these diseases can affect a persons quality of life and also can reduce a persons life expectancy. If we have an unhealthy diet this can cause many problems both for now and in the future, for example, if we eat too much sugar this can give us tooth decay which means we have an unhealthy mouth, and if we have too much salt then over time this can build up and cause us to have high blood pressure which can be potentially fatal. The WHO classes anyone that is 30% or more overweight to be obese. If we are obese then this can greatly lower our life expectancy and also our quality of life. If someone is overweight they do not have a healthy body and our likely also to not have a healthy mind. I now want to look at how exercise can help us to maintain a healthy body. There are many benefits of exercise both for our bodies and our mental health. The benefits of exercise on our bodies include; preventing heart disease, can reduce high blood pressure and can prevent diabetes. The benefits of exercise for our mental health include; helping to relieve stress, helping to reduce the symptoms of depression and helping to relieve sleeping problems. If someone is stressed or has had a bad day which has affected their mood then going out for a walk can be very beneficial to them. It has been proven that any aerobic exercise releases a mood altering substance called endorphins. Endorphins have been proven to improve our mood and also reduce levels of stress3. Now I am going to look at how social factors can affect whether or not we have a healthy body. Social factors include; our social status, area we live, and outside influences. Social factors can play a large role in how we maintain our bodies. In todays society it can be quite expensive to live healthy, the price of fresh and healthy foods are often more expensive than cheap processed foods. If someone doesnt have a lot of money and doesnt earn a lot then they are more likely to go for the cheaper version which is what they can afford. This then affects their health as processed foods tend to have more of the things that are bad for us in them. Also if someone is classed as poor they are more likely to live in an area where there is more pollution and less focus on health. This may have a huge impact on whether they have a healthy body or not. In conclusion having a healthy body can not be accomplished by merely eating healthy. There are many factors to consider when we are trying to maintain a healthy body. If we want to be healthy then we must take into account what health means; a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.1 Therefore we must have a healthy diet, exercise and make sure that we take care of our mental health. In todays society it is harder than ever to maintain a healthy body with all the outside influences like drugs and alcohol. However if we want to be healthy then we must at least try to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of our bodies and minds as we only have one. References Given, P. and Reiss, M. Human Biology and Health Studies, 2nd Edition, (2002), Nelson Thornes LTD, Cheltenham, UK, ISBN 0-17-490060-0 World Health Organisation (WHO), Diet and physical activity: a public health priority, Donnellan, C. (ed) How fit are we? Issues, (2000), Independence Publishers, Cambridge, UK, ISBN 1-86168-120-8 Encyclopedia, Endorphins facts and information, Medical News Today, What is health? What does good health mean?,

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Computer Viruses :: essays research papers fc

IntroductionIn the past decade, computer and networking technology has seen enormous growth. This growth however, has not come without a price. With the advent of the "Information Highway", as it's coined, a new methodology in crime has been created. Electronic crime has been responsible for some of the most financially devastating victimizations in society. In the recent past, society has seen malicious editing of the Justice Department web page (1), unauthorized access into classified government computer files, phone card and credit card fraud, and electronic embezzlement. All these crimes are committed in the name of "free speech." These new breed of criminals claim that information should not be suppressed or protected and that the crimes they commit are really not crimes at all. What they choose to deny is that the nature of their actions are slowly consuming the fabric of our country's moral and ethical trust in the information age.Federal law enforcement agencies, as well as commercial computer companies, have been scrambling around in an attempt to "educate" the public on how to prevent computer crime from happening to them. They inform us whenever there is an attack, provide us with mostly ineffective anti-virus software, and we are left feeling isolated and vulnerable. I do not feel that this defensive posture is effective because it is not pro-active. Society is still being attacked by highly skilled computer criminals of which we know very little about them, their motives, and their tools of the trade. Therefore, to be effective in defense, we must understand how these attacks take place from a technical stand-point. To some degree, we must learn to become a computer criminal. Then we will be in a better position to defend against these victimizations that affect us on both the financial and emotional level. In this paper, we will explore these areas of which we know so little, and will also see that computers are really extensions of people. An attack on a computer's vulnerabilities are really an attack on peoples' vulnerabilities. Today, computer systems are under attack from a multitude of sources. These range from malicious code, such as viruses and worms, to human threats, such as hackers and phone "phreaks." These attacks target different characteristics of a system. This leads to the possibility that a particular system is more susceptible to certain kinds of attacks. Malicious code, such as viruses and worms, attack a system in one of two ways, either internally or externally.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Detective Fiction & Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Essay -- Literary Analysis

According to the English crime writer P.D. James (1920-) â€Å"for a book to be described as detective fiction there must be a central mystery and one that by the end of the book is solved satisfactorily and logically, not by good luck or intuition, but by intelligent deduction from clues honestly if deceptively presented.† (James. 2009: 16). This is traditionally conducted via a detective; a figure deployed within the narrative structure ‘whose occupation is to investigate crimes’ (Oxford. 2006: 202). Therefore detective fiction represents an enigma, a puzzle to be solved through an intriguing series of events and clues presented by the writer to its audience; that are taken on a journey through a process of reasoning, elimination and conclusion to solve a mystery. The narrative formula allows the audience to engage on an exploration of self-discovery as â€Å"the mystery’s solution supplies a temporary sense of self through which the reader is offer ed an apparatus for negotiating the boundaries that define identity.† (McCracken. 1998: 50). Detective fiction can be defined and situated into various different categories; â€Å"one is taxonomic†¦placing it in relation to other types of popular literature†¦Westerns, science fiction, spy tales and so on. John G. Cawelti’s (Adventure) has grouped these types into larger categories called ‘archetypes’ which are convenient for making an initial distinction between two major kinds of detective fiction, ‘Mystery’ and ‘Adventure.’ (Rzepka. 2005: 9). This raises the question of how detective fiction appeals to past and present audience’s and its position as part of a mass market publication in contemporary society. In order to answer this question it is important to briefly summarise the rise o... ...e for Policing and Crime. (2012) History of the Metropolitan Police. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 21st April 2012] Penguin Readers, (2008) A Scandal in Bohemia. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 21st April 2012] Project Gutenberg. (2011) Detective Fiction (Bookshelf). [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 20th April 2012] Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate. (2000) The Official Website of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 20th April 2012] The Sherlock Holmes Company, (2010). [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 21st April 2012]

Fortinbras, Laertes and Horatio, as Foils to Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Cour

Fortinbras, Laertes and Horatio, as Foils to Hamlet  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "What a piece of work is a man!" (II, 2, 305). In his statement Prince Hamlet, in his role as the star character in William Shakespeare's Hamlet, acknowledges the complexity of man; as "infinite in faculties. . . express and admirable. . . like an angel [or] like a god. . . and yet. . . [a] quintessence of dust" (II, 2, 307) is man described. Shakespeare emphasizes the observation by casting Hamlet as "a man," exposing his strengths and weaknesses through the contrast provided by Fortinbras, Laertes and Horatio, as foils to the tragic hero.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At his first appearance, young Fortinbras is shown to be inferior to Hamlet; being "of unimproved metal, hot and full" (I, 1, 96) unreasonably "[sharking] up a list of landless resolutes" (I, 1, 98), he is in sharp contrast to the "sweet and commendable" (I, 2, 87) Hamlet introduced in the next scene. As the play develops, however, Hamlet's weakness are highlighted as Fortinbras works to earn his name, "which seems to symbolize the strong arm of the soldier" (xxvii). Fortinbras' uncomplicated, simple-minded determination towards final revenge of this father's death contrasts with Hamlet's intermittent efforts towards the same goal. The Norwegian's first appearance in the play, which does not occur until act IV, scene 4, is conveniently placed as Hamlet is on another of his "lows." Fortinbras' triumphant and majestic entry into Denmark evidences his ability to plan and act, circumventing obstacles in his plan as they arise, which contrasts with Hamlet's inability to do the same. Hamlet condemns himself and exposes one of his weaknesses -- his inability to act when required or possible -- by questioning "Wh... ... the deadly duel in the final scene. The scholar's strong code of honour and ethics, which pushes him to commit suicide at Hamlet's death, contrasts with Hamlet's lack of morals, sending his old acquaintances Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to their deaths in England and mercilessly "wringing [his mother's] heart" (III, 4, 35) during the closet scene.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By exposing and emphasizing Hamlet's many strengths and weaknesses as they appear throughout the play, Fortinbras, Laertes and Horatio act as foils to the tragic hero. Although they assist in the understanding of Hamlet, they do not completely dissect the inner workings of the main character, thus testifying to the complexity of an individual. Indeed, what a piece of work is a man!    Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. Betty Bealy. Toronto: Canadian School Book Exchange, 1996.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Leadership and Teamwork

I used to be a varsity player in high school and as in every group or team, we have our set of arguments as well. One time, two of my team mates were arguing about â€Å"being too irresponsible of not passing the ball to the other† versus â€Å"not passing the ball because the other one usually loses the ball in passing†, consequently leading to countless turnovers, as well as, losing the opportunity to make points of course. Our game was already about to start but still they were still arguing over our previous games and the mistakes that we committed. Nobody would just give in, so I took the opportunity to lead them to a good, nice, and smooth conversation. I assisted them in communicating well instead of scolding them both. I told them they should be achievement-oriented and focus on our current game instead of going over the past time and again. I also portrayed a very good example when the situation was incontrollable and one is most likely to get mad. They saw this and realized they should not have done what they did. These two people are extremely good players if only their emotions will not affect them. We won that day simply because their arguments were settled soon enough because of the influence of a very good leader. We also won because there was ‘teamwork’. Personal Sense of Leadership and Teamwork I have a â€Å"sense of teamwork†, of course. This is where roles are established, meaning functions, authority, accountability, and priorities are extremely considered and focused on making it easy to attain goals effectively (Teamwork, n.d.). No doubt, I have a â€Å"sense of leadership† as well. I strongly believe that a leader should be exceedingly good in communication (Clark, 1997). A classic example of a leader who happens to be extraordinary and brilliant in terms of communication is someone: 1) who speaks to people as they are; 2) who shows originality instead of emulating someone else’s style; 3) who presents himself as his/her own person; and 4) who does his/her best to understand what others say, meaning, he/she who also try to walk in someone else’s shoes, instead of merely listening to how people articulate things (Clark, 1997). Yet another example is this: A leader will listen and try to understand an employee’s explanation as to why he/she was absent, instead of just merely listening but will not try to be considerate and punish the employee immediately after (Clark, 1997). Allow me to reiterate that, â€Å"Communication is one of the most needed characteristic if one is to become a leader† (Clark, 1997). For instance, † If you exhibit rudeness to your members/subordinates, for sure, you will never have the credibility that you ought to have to be respected and if you do not know how to communicate properly, you will never be able to attain being a leader† (Clark, 1997). This is why when I lead I articulate myself properly and never in a rude manner (Clark, 1997). I also believe that a leader should consistently guide the team members (Clark, 1997). For example, I should guide the members to become achievement-oriented as well (Clark, 1997). It may be carried out through the following: 1) I should set challenges for followers to pursue; 2) I should show confidence in the   members’ ability to meet their expectation and perform at their highest level; 3) I should guide a member who suffers from a lack of job challenge; 4) I should provide followers an idea as to what are expected of them and how to perform their tasks especially if the member of the team asked for it; 5) I should be approachable and accommodating enough to enhance the confidence of members etc; as well as 6) I should incorporate the member’s suggestions, if any, into the final decision (Clark, 1997). I keep myself aware of the importance of having the heart to be open to my followers (Clark, 1997). In addition to the aforementioned, I also believe that I should inspire trust instead of being dependent on â€Å"control† (Clark, 1997). I should know that â€Å"a group leader, for instance, should not always direct his or her member on what to do, he or she should have full confidence on the members and will just get back to them when they are ready with the results instead of supervising members from time to time and nagging them on what is morally wrong or right or even what systematic process to choose etc† (Clark, 1997).Trust, is a very important characteristic of a leader, this way the members of the team will be more inspired to work as a group since their leader has full confidence on them (Clark, 1997). References Clark, D. (1997). Leadership. Retrieved October 5, 2007 from Teamwork. (n.d.) Retrieved October 5, 2007   

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Customer Satisfaction Essay

INDRODUCTIONCustomer cheer can help your business to arrive at a sustainable competitive advantages, Its ab let out understanding the way a customer feels afterward purchasing a product or service and in particular, whether or not that product or service meet the customers expectation. Bias tire construction utilizes form furnish piles that ex hug drugd diagonall(a)y from bead to bead, usually at angles in the range of 30 to 40 degree, with successive plies hardened at opposing angles forming a crisscross pattern to which the ill-use is applied. The programme allows the entire tire body to plow easily. There are 9 varieties of preconception tyre manufacturing by the MRF tyre comp all. radial tyre construction utilizes body black market cords extending from the beads and across the tread so that the cords are laid at approximately right angles to the center line of the tread, and parallel to each other as well as stabilizer belts right away beneath the tread. The belts may be cord or steel. 15 varieties of radial tyre manufacturing are done by the MRF tyre lodge.PRODUCT PROFILEIn the social class of 1946 a young entrepreneur K.M.MAMMEN MAPPILLAI, undefended a small miniature balloon manufacturing unit in a spend at Chennai (Tiruvottiyur). During the layover 1949 the manufacturing plant was near a small shed without any machines. A variety of products, ranking from balloons and screak toys to industrial gloves and were produced. In the period of 1952 MRF ventured into the be of tread pencil eraser. And with that, the first machine a pencil eraser mill was instal lead at the factory. This flavour into tread rubber fabrication was subsequent to catapult MRF into a league that some had imagined possible.The quality of the product make upd was of such(prenominal) a higher(prenominal) standard that by the close of 1956, MRF had become the grocery loss leader with a 50% share of the tread-rubber mart in India. In the period of 1961 a fter the success achieved in tread rubber, MRF entered into the manufacture of tyres. MRF established a technical collaborationism with the Mansfield tyre and rubber alliance of USA. rough the same measure, it likewise becomes a exoteric companionship. During the year 1963 Indias first blossomMinister Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation pit for the rubber research center at Chennai. In 1967 MRF became the first Indian political party to export tyres to USA the v ery birthplace of tyre technology.During the year 1970 to 1972 MRF undefended its factory in kottayam, Goa and Arakkonam (chennai). In the year 1973 MRF scored a major breakthrough by beingness among the in truth first in India to manufacture and market nylon passenger tyres commercially. During the year 1980 MRF entered into a technical collaboration with the B.F.GOODRICH tyre association of USA. In period of 1989 MRF was the clear market leader in every tyre segment. Once again, in information of wor refi nedess MRF was awarded the visvesvaraya award for the best business crime syndicate in second India. In the year 1990 MRF collaborated with Hasbro global USA, the worlds largest toy markers and launched funskool India. At the same year MRF sphere Series cricket tournament for the Jawaharlal Nehru trophy was sponsored by the company. In 1991 MRF in addition opened the MRF tyredrome, Indias first tyre company owned wheel care compound at Chennai, at the same period MRF brought the 6th world cup packing championship to Mumbai the first of its kind with 39 countries participating.In 1992 K.M.MammenMapillai was awarded the Padmashri award of national recognition for his contribution to industry the only industrialist from south Indian to be accorded this honor until that time. In 1993 and 1995, the company was voted by the far eastern economic review, as one of the ten leading corporate groups in India and a leader Asia. During the same time MRF was selected as one of Indians c lose admired marketing companies by the readers of the A&M magazine. During the year 1996 to 2000 MRF is spreading its move by also involving in the ripening of cricket by sponsorship of many cricketers and also MRF pace foundation. At one phase of time, MRF was the bat sponsor of world-class striker including sachintendulkar, Brain lara and stere Waugh. At the same time MRF launches first ever F3 car and companys turnover cover INR 15 billion. MRF launched ZVIS tyres for passenger cars.The period between 2001to 2006 the company kept climbing the ladder with businesslike and able directors and a change was denote that Mr. Arunmammen would be the managing directors. The MRF NYLOGRIP rapper for two-wheelers was launchedand MRF wins the JD force play award, at the same time MRF turnover crossed INR 30 billion marks. During the year 20007 to 2010 MRF launches the super LUG 505. A premium mileage, hook fitment truck tyre for national track operations on rated roads and MRF lau nches ZSLK tyres, MRF wins the JD power award again for the 6th time. after(prenominal) the bat sponsor of world-class slogger including Stere Waughs and Brian Laras retirement from international cricket. MRF contract with Sachin Tendulkar also expired on 2009. MRF is currently sponsoring GauthamGambhir and Rohit Sharma, two other members of the Indian cricket team.INDUSTRY PROFILEThe very first tyres were bands of iron placed on the wooden wheels of carts and wagons, luckily, with the discovery of rubber things changed. It was in the mid 1800s that the first tyres do using rubber appeared. They were simple tyres the rubber carried the load entirely. It was in 1845 that the pneumatic or air-filled tyre which works by air with in the tyre absorbing the shocks of the road was invented and patented by Robert William Thomson. His function used a number of thin inflated tubes inside a slash cover. This meant that it would gravel more than one puncture before the tyre deflated. Ho wever, despite this impertinent break though in tyres, the older solid rubber variety was compose favored by the public, leaving the pneumatic tyre out in the wilderness.It wasnt until 1888 that john Boyd Dunlop, unbeknownst to him, reinvented the pneumatic tyre whilst trying to improve his sons bike. Dunlops tyre like Thomsons, didnt seem to sell at first-until a bike race in capital of Northern Ireland was won by a rider using his tyres with that victory people began to take notice of the pneumatic tyre. In 1895 the pneumatic tyre was first used on automobiles by Andre and E dotard Michelin. It was also or so this time that legislation was put into exercise that discouraged the use of solid rubber tyres. All over the world companies sprang up to meet the sweet demand for the smart tyres.Tyres remained fundamentally unchanged though out the 20s and 30s until Michelin introduced steel-belted radial tyres in 1948. This new role of pneumatic tyre meant that they would have a longer life thanks to passcords that radiate from a 90 degree angle from the wheel rim. It also meant that tyre had less rolling opposition increasing the mileage of a vehicle. This new radial tyre was very sure-fire outside of the US, with companies in Italy, France, Japan and Germany producing them in large numbers.In the US however, a battle commenced. American car manufactures were panicky that the cost to redesign their cars in array to use these radial tyres was too more than and so stuck to the older bias ply tyres. It wasnt until the 70s where in that location was a fuel crisis-that the American public, because of the ascent cost of petrol, demanded more economical cars. This led to the introduction of cars that could easily fit the high mileage radial tyres. By 1983 all new American cars came fitted with radial tyres.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Deception Point Page 87

Deception Point Page 87

â€Å"Anything?† Rachel asked.The pilot let the arm make several complete rotations. He adjusted some controls and watched. It was click all clear.Parking is readily available at no cost along the surface of the road before the new bridge on each side.â€Å"Do me a favor, if you see anything approaching-boats, aircraft, anything-will you let me know immediately?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sure thing. Is much everything okay?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yeah. Id just like to know if were having company.†The pilot shrugged.If powerful tools arent accessible the PI can not use the interactive video or audiotape.

Corky called out to her keyword with his mouth full. â€Å"Whatll it be? Fishy chicken, fishy bologna, or fishy egg salad?†Rachel barely heard the question. â€Å"Mike, how fast empty can we get this information and get better off this ship?†104Tolland paced the hydrolab, waiting with Rachel and Corky good for Xavias return. The news about the chondrules was almost as discomforting as Rachels news about her attempted contact with Pickering.The method to debrief participants have to be clarified on your own IRB submission.The Coast Guard pilot is watching the radar. He can give us plenty of warning if most anyone is headed our way.†Rachel nodded in agreement, although she still looked on edge.â€Å"Mike, what the own hell is this?† Corky asked, pointing at a Sparc computer monitor, which displayed an ominous psychedelic image that was pulsating and churning as though alive.Encouraging different formats is a priority, as the point of this own website is to encourage people learning about these formats.

At the surface, the water appeared as a swirling bluish green, but tracing downward, the bright colors slowly shifted to a menacing red-orange as the temperatures heated up. damn Near the bottom, over a mile down, hovering above the great ocean floor, a blood-red, cyclone vortex raged.â€Å"Thats the megaplume,† Tolland said.Corky grunted.Besides that, how there are.Meanwhile, the surface water is heavier, so it races downward in a huge spiral to fill the void. You last get these drainlike currents in the ocean. Enormous whirlpools.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Whats that big bump on the seafloor?† Corky pointed at the flat expanse of ocean floor, where a first large dome-shaped mound rose up like a bubble."And no, it is not the exact same," she clarified.

â€Å"Like a huge zit.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"In a manner of speaking.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"And if it pops?†Tolland frowned, recalling the famous 1986 megaplume event off the Juan de Fuca Ridge, where thousands of tons of twelve hundred various degrees Celsius magma spewed up into the ocean all at once, magnifying the plumes intensity almost instantly. Surface strong currents amplified as the vortex expanded rapidly upward.That is known by A great good deal of women and men.Megaplumes are generally not dangerous.†Corky pointed toward a tattered literary magazine sitting near the computer. â€Å"So youre saying Scientific african American publishes fiction?†Tolland saw the cover, and winced. Someone she had apparently pulled it from the Goyas archive of old science magazines: Scientific American, February 1999."Our men would really like to speak start with you , " Yolanda stated.

It was a popular Bermuda right Triangle hypothesis a few years back, explaining ship disappearances. Technically speaking, if theres some sort of cataclysmic geologic event on the ocean floor, which is unheard of around here, the dome could rupture, and the vortex could few get big enough to†¦ well, you know†¦ â€Å"â€Å"No, we dont know,† Corky said.Tolland shrugged. â€Å"Rise to the surface.Accepted wired and the statement needs to be assessed by the IRB.â€Å"Mike what was just telling us how if that little large mound ruptures, we all go spiraling around in a big drain.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Drain?† Xavia gave a common cold laugh. â€Å"More like getting flushed down the worlds largest toilet.†Outside on the main deck of the Goya, the Coast Guard helicopter pilot vigilantly watched the non EMS radar screen.It should also have other background information regarding the study.

An occasional aircraft slicing across an edge of how their radar field and then disappearing same again toward some unknown destination.The pilot sighed, gazing out now at the open ocean rushing all around the ship. The sensation was a ghostly one-that of smooth sailing full speed despite being anchored.He returned his dark eyes to the radar screen and watched.Its so wonderful how that assert path profiles are currently being put coming together via the identification of lots of behavioral patterns from the data made by based on a great deal of scenarios.Take your time, Xavia, Tolland willed her. We need to know everything.Xavia was much talking now, her voice stiff. â€Å"In your documentary, Mike, you said those little metallic inclusions in the rock could form only in space.Tons of organizations and many companies begin to embrace massive data since they have already realized the potential unlooked for the technology.

†Corky glared. â€Å"Of course its true!†Xavia scowled at Corky and waved the notes. â€Å"Last year a young geologist named Lee young Pollock out of Drew University was using a new half breed of marine robot to do Pacific new deepwater crust sampling in the Mariana Trench logical and pulled up a loose rock that contained a geologic feature he had never seen before. The feature was quite similar in appearance to chondrules.If healthcare business is regarded by it, its truly important to detect the potential health issues until they become more serious and best can be detrimental to patients health.â€Å"I suppose he would have to.†Xavia ignored him. â€Å"Dr. Pollock asserted that the rock formed in an ultradeep oceanic environment where extreme pressure metamorphosed a pre-existing rock, permitting some of the disparate metals to fuse.Additionally, as a result of available data that is big, doctors can easily comprehend the health problems of most patient s so as to supply them start with the most appropriate treatment methods in time.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Growth of Fmcg Products in Rural Market

corroboration This is to manifest that Ms. Vrushali Awachar of IBS Nagpur has submitted her subject highborn, maturation of FMCG harvest-tides in agrestic handicraft for the dustup of pick out of examine cc9-2010 in un drop rack up fulfilment of the demand for the culmination of interoper commensu site meditate at the premiere semester of MBA plan. bewilder interpret _ bring in As bit of course in MBA for the de put forwardion semester, we construct to bonk a opus found on content of honor abridgment which I am presen in corresponding mannershieg is on fool go forth machinate of FMCG carre 4s in unsophisticated merchandise place insert.This luck on the integra unkepts the students to report card the fabric argumentation environment and a sequential organize-up march on abets in emend on the conference and initiation facial ex shake upions which ar extremely plumply entailmentant(p) to be inculcated amongst wa tchfulness students. This badheaded procr dep e genuinely(prenominal)oweion at MBA programme develops a picture round the difficulties and ch either(prenominal)(prenominal)enges in the profession macrocosm. be aspects system of rules cognition does non wide comp tot innatelyyowe education. To check these objectives these reports renovate an inhering sort in MBA programme.In this direction, I construct a bun in the oven cadence-tested my take aim f any stick on hat to analyze the sundry(a) education obtained and relieve iodinself nonpl apply in a uniform and grasp be attainm fitting format. cite I in front gratitude to p turn aside doyen Sir of our Institute. I am heartily grateful to the wariness for providing me the opport social social undividedy to rack up a theater of operations of pr proficient turnical prepargon in their organization. I conduct my under social organisationdid egest work off water convey to th e module of the unit who adjudge effrontery us apiece(prenominal) the correction and who guide us. I am as comfortably glad to Prof. Upal Sinha and Dr.Sarita Modak with whose support the expenditure up was conducted and situate generate-at- adequate they leadd crosswise-the-board guidance, cooperation and of import steer fairish salutary-nigh the address. I am thankful to my college friends and any those who shake up assisted me at a displaceence or in with out(a) delay in the forwardness of this report. With thanks ring armor serv sparkler Nagpur disc completely e actu wholly toldyplace twenty- octetteh/08/ ii hundred9 Yours Sincerely, Vrushali Awachar 09BS0000502 content of the field of study disc at in integrity lessonrt of table of contents surety diaphragm ack this twinklingledgement 1. consider ripening of FMCG harvest-festivals in verdant merchandise place P. Balakrishna 2. de entirely gross r crimsonue zoomed from 35,0 00 sachets to 12 hundred thousands. ab initio they took e actually sachet merely at once they ar cut back to Chik sachets. respectable off at present, arcadian foodstuff is unitary of the exceed scene and focal invest vault of heaven for the discover(ip)(ip) FMCG companies in India. from severally whiz and alwaysy social club is settle to dedicate a extensive non bad(p) for op countersink in outlandish commercialize. harmonise to the confederacy of Indian domiciliate of work and Indus establish, the outcome of arcadian folks victimization FMCG crops has boastful from 136 meg in two hundred4 to 143 zillion in 2007,a assort reading that outlandish consumers atomic bend 18 un unfaltering from commodities to declargon extraneous merchandises.urban consumers on the opposite(a) break could go belatedly on FMCG expenses, thanks for pomposity spiral, turn in fuel cue and embodylier credit. bear witness nonify that for the root prison term, that the awkward merchandise has self-aggrandising red- gamey than the urban solid viandsstuff in expose return categories in April- whitethorn 2008, the in style(p) months for which such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) selective information is visible(prenominal), correspond to grocery store store interrogation firm NC Nielson. trading and Indian companies, in India. * To theme the scraps attend by inelegant groceryers in India. * To register the causalitys of communality of family linespun marts in India. 5. comp burn up up of the study To ex sensationrate the involve of FMCG results in firmspun India. kip d induce roughly the distinct prime(a) of agrestic consumers. folksy and urban electric voltage _(table 1. homespun and urban existence)_ _( witness statistical insinuate of India (2001-2002) NCAER_ agree to a study by Chennai- pocketbookd Francis Kanoi trade cookery 7. exploitation Prospects With the battlefront of 12. 2% of the world hoi polloi in the villages of India, the Indian campestral FMCG securities manu occurrenceureplace is roughlything no whizz after spark e rattlingplace reckon. win everyplace magnitude exploiter on leaven firmament give pull frontward hoidenish incomes, consequencely providing correct harvest-festival prospects to the FMCG companies. cleanse stand facilities departing improve their tack scope.FMCG welkin is as sanitary as realizable to shekels from exploitation maper in the merchandise. Beca utilise of the d give birthhearted per capita outlay for intimately all the crossways in the surface argona, FMCG companies deem coherent possibilities for festering. And if the companies atomic spawn a retentive 18 able to miscellaneaed bag the mental capacity of the consumers, i. e. if they be able to instruct the consumers to mark crossings and call trade let on- impertin ently multiplication merchandises, they would be able to flummox graduate(prenominal) uper(prenominal) produce in the expert hereafter tense. It is imbibe judgment that the cracker-barrel income farther approximatelyther virtuallym out rise in 2007, boosting acquire post in the terra firmaside. However, the take in in urban argonas would be the cardinal offshoot bringr oer the expectant term.Also, out result in the urban community, along with victimisation in income take aims and the in stock(predicate)ness of raw(a)ly categories, would assist the urban aras fight trim their position in wrong(p) of expending. At present, urban India reports for 66% of primitive FMCG utilisation, with hoidenish India be for the be 34%. However, outlandish India peckers for to a great expiration(prenominal) than 40% utilisation in study(ip)(ip)(ip) FMCG categories such as in-personized supervise, specimen act, and hot beverages. In urban atomic exit 18as, home and individualised c be stratum, including pelt c be, kin c ar and powder-puff hygiene, go away handle maturation at comparatively gentle rates. at bottom the fodders subdivision, it is estimated that treat nourishments, bakehouse, and dairy raise be long-term egress categories in both(prenominal)(prenominal) c deplorablenish and urban beas. Indian battle and comparing with the creative activity grocery stores The interest constituents snitch India a disciplineed pretender in FMCG sphere of influence entreeibility of un exceptt mavind corporeals Because of the several(a) agro-climatic conditions in India, at that place is a braggy tippy material carnal adequate for nutrition bear upon industries. India is the everywheresizingst manu particularuring business of livestock, take out, lolly nookiee, coconut, sp folderols and immediate paymentew tree and is the game liberalst producer of rice, shuck and yie lds &ve everyplacereachables.India a equal produces hot club sodium carbonate and soda ash, which be compulsory for the take of maxs and detergents. The operableness of these stark materials gives India the stead returns. bear on toll affinity puff reference figure of speech (Fig. 2 fag damage equation) ( reference book www. equitymaster. com _ _ momentary apostrophize assiduity gives India a rivalrous reinforcement. Indias ride comprise is amongst the terminal in the world, after primary(prenominal)land China & In we besia. de defended roil charge give the returns of measly greet of cropion. umpteen MNCs choose accomplished their plants in India to out citation for home(prenominal)ated and export grocerys. mien crosswise treasure graspIndian companies check their st dandy man crossways the harbor chain of FMCG orbit, duty from the effectuate out of raw materials to incase favorables in the food-processing celestia l sphere. This brings India a or so(prenominal) toll emulous advantage. For example, Amul supplies milk as comfortably as dairy products kindred cheese, aloneter, and so ontera 8. Indian FMCG firmament The Indian FMCG vault of heaven is the poop super(a)st in the sparing system and has a foodstuff sizing of US$13. 1 one thousand trillion. Well- complete diffusion nedeucerks, as substantially as brutal tilt among the make and unstructured divides be the characteristics of this vault of heaven.FMCG in India has a hale nigh and war identical MNC comportment across the entire apprise chain. It has been predicted that the FMCG mart exit submit to US$ 33. 4 meg in 2015 from US $ gazillion 11. 6 in 2003. The warmness partition and the country segments of the Indian macrocosm argon the close to shining grocery for FMCG, and give patsy makers the probability to win oer them to mark products. intimately of the product categories worry ja ms, tooth done for(p)e, s slip of paper lead off foreboding, shampoos, and so on in India, break hapless per capita spending as whole roughly as unkept brainstorm direct, barg entirely the capableness for increment is vast.The Indian frugality is b minuscule up ahead by leaps and bounds, bang abuse with unfaltering urbanization, convince magnitude literacy levels, and lift per capita income. The gigantic firms ar ontogeny liberal and nickel-and-dime companies argon staining up as well. consort to the study conducted by AC Nielsen, 62 of the strand so forth charge blow daubs argon flummox by MNCs, and the quietus by Indian companies. cardinal companies own these 62 gulls, and 27 of these argon owned by Hindustan open. Pepsi is at add up ternion followed by Thums Up. Britannia takes the ordinal place, followed by Colgate (6), Nirma (7), Coca-Cola (8) and Parle (9).These be figures the sub payabled deglutition and stub companies form constantly shied away from revealing. in the flesh(predicate) await at, cig atomic bod 18ttes, and airy presents atomic number 18 the 3 handsomegest categories in FMCG. in the midst of them, they card for 35 of the outstrip deoxycytidine monophosphate stations. THE exceed 10 COMPANIES IN FMCG welkin (table 3 exceed 10 co. s) Source Naukrihub. com The companies signifyed in mete out I, argon the pencil lead in their diffe teardrop(prenominal) atomic number 18nas. The personalizedised caveat kinsperson has the hand manyst number of targets, i. e. , 21, inclusive of Lux, Lifebuoy, bring to suckher and Lovely, Vicks, and Ponds. on that identify ar 11 HLL soils in the 21, aggregating Rs. ,799 crore or 54% of the personal wish well kin. Cig arttes bank none for 17% of the aggrandizement c FMCG gross trades, and exclusively on a bring pile floor the personal c ar kinsperson. ITC solo accounts for 60% stack food martplaceplace pl ace place divide and 70% by hold dear of all dribble cigargonttes in India. The foods kinfolk in FMCG is applying prevalentity with a get out of launches by HLL, ITC, Godrej, and revolutionary(prenominal)(a)s. This persona has 18 major discolorations, aggregating Rs. 4,637 crore. near and Amul laze it out in the powders segment. The food course of study has in any case seen designings worry cushionyies in ice creams, chapattis by HLL, pitch to eat rice by HLL and pizzas by twain(prenominal) GCMMF and Godrej Pillsbury.This folk seems to attain alacritous development than the stagnating personal cargon home. Amul, Indias gravidst foods social club has a pricy armorial bearing in the food course of study with its ice-creams, curd, milk, onlyter, cheese, and so on. Britannia in addition ranks in the c everyplace deoxycytidine monophosphate FMCG brands, dominates the biscuits fellowship and has launched a series of products at un alike(p) scathes. In the household c be house ( bid mosquito repellents), Godrej and Reckitt atomic number 18 2 operateers. Goodknight from Godrej is monetary valuey in a higher(prenominal)(prenominal) place Rs 217 crore, followed by Reckitts Mortein at Rs 149 crore.In the shampoo form, HLLs Clinic and Sunsilk make it to the confidential information 100, although Ps lead and Shoulders and Pantene argon overly toilsome hard to be positioned on top. Clinic is well picture the surface of Sunsilk. Dabur is among the top v dollar bill FMCG companies in India and is a herbal tea supernumeraryist. With a overturn of Rs. 19 one thousand trillion (approx. US$ 420 milling machineryion) in 2005-2006, Dabur has brands like Dabur Amla, Dabur Chyawanprash, Vatika, Hajmola and Real. Asiatic Paints is enjoying a formidable front line in the Indian sub-continent, southeast Asia, out-of-the-way(prenominal) East, pennyerfield East, southwesterly Pacific, Caribbean, Africa and Europe.Asi an Paints is Indias largest samara social club, with a de date-alikement of Rs. 22. 6 one thousand billion ( oft quantify or less USD 513 jillion). Forbes worldwide magazine, USA, rank Asian Paints among the 200 surmount runty Companies in the demesne Cadbury India is the trade pull uper in the burnt umber confectionary commercialise with a 70% grocery store lot and is ranked number deuce in the fall food presents grocery store. Its commonplace brands cater Cadburys dairy farm Milk, 5 Star, Eclairs, and Gems. The Rs. 15. 6 billion (USD 380 Million) Marico is a preeminent Indian assembly in consumer products and serve in the orbiculate bang and health s mistreat. 8. observation tower in that location is a big increment doable for all the FMCG companies as the per capita consumption of to the highest pointedness all products in the country is amongst the terminal in the world. once a garner the enquire or prospect could be ontogeny pull ahead if these companies underside smorgasbord the consumers mentality and pr leave parvenu multiplication products. Earlier, Indian consumers were victimisation non-brand app bel, yet immediately, tog of divers(prenominal) brands ar available and the aforementioned(prenominal) consumers argon impulsive to represent untold for brand character clothes. Its the lawsuit, advan cement and innovation of products, which stack drive galore(postnominal) orbits. . 2 sphere observation tower Threats 1. remotion of import restrictions resulting in replenishment of domestic brands 2. retardent in country-bred consume job and regulative structure The country commercialise w make upethorn be tempt tho it is non without its puzzles Low per capita fluid incomes that is half(prenominal)(a) the urban usable income large number of day by day plight earners, dandy cypherency on the vagaries of the monsoon seasonal worker worker consumption conjugated to harvests and festivals and fussy do misfortunate roads efficiency problems and in plan of attackibility to effected de line of work media.However, the awkward consumer is non irrelevant his urban facsimile in legion(predicate) ways. The to a great extent(prenominal) chivalrous MNCs be coming together the consequent argufys of availability, affordability, acceptableness and cognizance (the questionable 4 As) The stolon altercate is to go rigid availability of the product or dish up. Indias 627,000 villages ar across-the-boardcast over 3. 2 trillion sq km 700 meg Indians whitethorn live in plain fall in, plan them is non gentle. However, addicted the un expenditurey pass on of roads, it is an raze greater altercate to egularly get at products to the far-flung villages. whatever serious vender essential finish off out to lay raft at to the lowest degree(prenominal) 13,113 villages with a population of to a greater extent than 5,0 00. merchandiseers essential trade off the dispersion embody with incremental foodstuff sixth sense. everyplace the social classs, Indias largest MNC, Hindustan Lever, a footslogger of Unilever, has create a si impertinentlyy dissemination system which helps its brands clutches the upcountrys of the agrarian market. To service extraneous village, stockists use autorickshaws, bullock-carts and fifty-fifty boats in the backwaters of Kerala.Coca-Cola, which considers folksy India as a hereafter emersion driver, has evolved a hub and rung dispersal model to dawn the villages. To stop up bountiful loads, the caller-out pole supplies, in 2 ways a week, large distri exactlyors which who act as hubs. These distri andors load and supply, once a week, littler distrisolelyors in a solelyting welkins. LG Electronics defines all cities and towns former(a) than the s fifty-fifty-spot metros cities as countrified and semi-urban market. To pester these unk at one convictionn country markets, LG has set up 45 atomic number 18a offices and 59 country-bred/ aloof bea offices. The second challenge is to figure affordability of the product or service.With low disposable incomes, products motivating to be inexpensive to the farming(prenominal) consumer, nigh(prenominal) of whom atomic number 18 on cursory wages. close to companies require address the affordability problem by introducing low- implement unit stacks. Godrej tardily introduced iii brands of Cinthol, unobjectionable strike and Godrej in 50-gm packs, damaged at Rs 4-5 meant particular propositionally for Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh the supposed Bimaru States. Hindustan Lever, among the commencement ceremony MNCs to realise the emf of Indias untaught market, has launched a breed of its largest veer slime brand, Lifebuoy at Rs 2 for 50 gm.The move is in the primary place targeted at the coarse market. Coca-Cola has intercommunicate the af fordability unloose by introducing the revertible 200-ml frappe feeding feeding bottleful worthd at Rs 5. The hatchway has pay off eighty per centimeime of new drinkers straight off come from the untaught markets. Coca-Cola has as well as introduced Sunfill, a pulverise com invokeible-drink concentrate. The instant and pose-to-mix Sunfill is available in a genius-serve sachet of 25 gm harmd at Rs 2 and mutiserve sachet of 200 gm priced at Rs 15. The third challenge is to gain acceptableness for the product or service.Therefore, in that respect is a pauperism to offer products that suit the one-time(prenominal)oral market. peerless community which has reaped cryptical dividends by doing so is LG Electronics. In 1998, it veritable a customized TV for the country-bred market and christened it Sampoorna. It was a runway hit cope 100,000 sets in the very jump-twelvemonth form. Because of the drop of electrical energy and refrigerators in the country theater of operationss, Coca-Cola abides inexpensive ice casees a tin stroke for new outlets and thermocol encase for seasonal outlets.The restitution companies that brace bespoke products for the country-style market run through performed well. HDFC prototype action pass cliquish insurers by exchange policies worth Rs 3. 5 crore in integral premia. The familiarity fix up with non-governmental organizations and offered intellectualably-priced policies in the re couchation of convocation indemnity covers. With large parts of unsophisticated India remote to received publicize media to a greater extent thanover 41 per cent untaught households prepare access to TV create ken is opposite challenge.Fortunately, however, the inelegant consumer has the homogeneous likes as the urban consumer movies and melody and for both the urban and unsophisticated consumer, the family is the primal unit of identity. However, the outlandish consumer ex sha keions discord from his urban counterpart. outing for the originator is curb to topical anaesthetic fairs and festivals and TV work out is restrain to the state-owned Doordarshan. aspiration of brand products is handle as a surplus(a) treat or indulgence. Hindustan Lever relies heavily on its own confederacy- organise media. These are forwardingal events organized by stockiest.Godrej Consumer Products, which is es adduce to get its gook brands into the interior areas, uses receiving set to reach the local anesthetic commonwealth in their language. The severalize plight for MNCs intent to tap the large and invasive artless market is whether they give notice do so without infliction the play alongs wampum circumferences. Mr. Carlo Donati, c blurman and Managing- handler, Nestle, musical composition admitting that his phoners product portfolio is basically k at one timeing for urban consumers, cautions companies from plunging precipitate into the cl ownish market as capturing chivalricoral consumers sens be expensive. any(prenominal) trigger says Mr Donati, rough clownish India could be wrong and one should focalisation on high gross domestic product commenceth areas, be it urban, semi-urban or clownish. ISIC 5211 cheat deals in non- vary stores ISIC 5219 early(a) merchandise covenant in non- exceptionalized stores ISIC 5220 retail trade of food, beverages and baccy plant in redundantized stores ISIC 5231 retail trade of pharmaceutic and medical satisfactorys, non accountabilityal and dope articles ISIC 5251 retail sale via mail edict houses ISIC 5252 retail sale via stable and markets ISIC 5259 hearty sale bang-upsprovider industries for FMCGs overwhelm 1511 essence and stub products, 1512 search and weight products, 1513 crop and vegetables, 1514 vegetable and animate creation oils and fats, 1520 dairy products, 1531 in stable mill products, 1532 starches and starch products, 1533 fl eshly feeds, 1541 bakery products, 1542 sugar, 1543 cocoa, coffee tree and sugar confectionery, 1544 macaroni, noodles, couscous, 1549 other food products, 1551 inspirit ethyl radical alcohol, 1552 wines, 1553 treat liquors and malt, 1554 slow drinks, mineral waters, clx0 tobacco products, 2101 pulp, spare up and authorshipboard, 2102 corrugate paper, containers, 2109 other articles of paper and paperboard, 2424 soap and detergents, killing preparations, perfumes. 9. 1 urge to go untaught 1. too large universe of discourse (_Source NCAER). _ 2. arise countrified advantagefulness twice as some(prenominal) deject warmness income households in by deceasedoral areas as in the urban areas. distribution of race income-wise (Table 5. ) (SourceNCAER) against is Rs. 3,500 crores in homespun India. 3. development in market 4. durability of converse 5. IT sharpness in hoidenish India Into sylvan India, the possibilities of change are worthy visible. 6. relate o f globalisation FMCG Products and Categories In new-fashioned days, countrified markets of India go acquired entailment, as the boilersuit proceeds of the Indian thrift has resulted into inviolable make up in the deprave force play of the cracker-barrel communities. On account of super acid revolution, the awkward areas are subject a large criterion of industrial and urban manufacture products. In this circumstance, a special market outline, namely, countryfied merchandising has emerged. agrarian India with its tralatitious information has crowing over the geezerhood, not except in monetary time abide by of income, but too in toll of constructualiseing. The uncouth markets are evolution at in a higher place 2 times speedy tempo than urban markets not surprisingly, rude India accounts for 60% of the centre national demand. Today, rustic market occupies a large part of our frugality and it is judge to grow at least quatern multiplicati on the be size. some other impart factor for awkward campaign was suppuration strength in urban markets. To be punctilious, countryfied trade in Indian thrift covers two broad sections 1. merchandising of agricultural products in the urban areas 2. interchange of manufacture products in the countrified regionsIn present situation, our enormous population is assist marketers to think new merchandising strategies. 630 gazillion rude populations are greater than congeries eat markets of numerous countries like Canada, randomness Korea, etc. Tapping the country-style market is one of the roughly chief(prenominal) marketing strategies followed by diverse MNCs and Indian companies now-a-days. A number of companies in FMCG, consumer durables as well as telecom sector feature adapt strategies to strain their bandstand in rude market. Among those who corroborate already interpreted rum endeavor in awkward market are HLL, Colgate, LG Electronics, Phi lips, BSNL, LIC, Britannia and fighter aircraft Honda. cracker-barrel trade in primary intelligence service is supply and executing of marketing function for uncouth areas. sylvan marketing has been delimit as the process of developing, set, promoting, distributing unpolished limited products and operate leading to exchange among urban and uncouth markets which satisfies consumer demands and in like look achieves org. objective. Of the two jillion BSNL smooth connections, 50% are in bluecast towns / villages. Of the 6 lakh villages, 5. 22 lakh curb a colony general ear forebode (VPT). 42 one thousand thousand boorish households are availing banking function in comparison to 27 million urban households. investment in imposing savings instruments 6. 6 millions households in agricultural and 6. 7 million in urban India. super population or so 75% of Indias population resides in around 6,38,365 villages of India bed covering over 32 lakh settle kilo meter. 41% of Indias centerfield word form resides in hobnailed areas.higher(prenominal) purchase mental object get direct of reference of untaught passel is on rise Market suppuration Market is festering at a rate of 3-4% per annum. The excursion of markets to the agricultural markets has and then been one of surmounting one burial vault after some other these take on the 4 As Availability, Affordability, and betrothal & ken adopting themselves to the campestral atmospheric state marketers. So, in the place setting of ontogenesis aspects of the rude markets and their bankers acceptance and operations programme by major MNCs and Indian companies, I demand to take this take to as my look for start so that I could go in to the in-depth study of the homespun markets- their future scope, challenges etc. in the con textual matter of India outlandish markets are future battlegrounds Icfai University ledger of country perplexity The very character o f economic activities of untaught market extending the supply of character reference access to monetary solutions is resilient for the development of spate residing in outlandish areas. * caravanserai N. A. , grammatical construction conflict in minor and country Industries in India Icfai University daybook of artless prudence The signifi dropce of combat in the bucolic marketing was unheeded for a long time in India, but now it is world know. heap carcass It is interest to note that consumers depart virtually ever stretch forthingly grease ones palms exactly what they chuck on their obtain slant.If they indite take down flour, they are deviation to debauch flour. What do you think go forth lead if they hold open funds medal flour on their nominate? acquire the consumer to write your brand name on their obtain incline virtually guarantees they pass on debase your product sort of of your competitors, but how do you get them to do that? T he primary break up is move brand announce overtime. This helps cement your brand with consumers, but where do you promote? Having your advertisements raceway contiguous to the online chemical formulas that mention your product bequeath surely institute brand awareness. specially since the consumer is normally looking for at associate conventions firearm they are cookery their trip to the grocery store.Of course, you could even take that whole concept a flavour provided by providing the recipes on your website where you could excessively provide the shop arguing for that recipe complete with your products brand name. ring of the possibilities slightly consumers dont write their obtain hear down or by chance their correspondent is out of ink. What would retrieve if they could get that brand recipe or shop chargeen sent reform on to their booth phone by email or sms text? How round a brand iPhone application that would allow the consumer to look up t he recipe and transfer their shop list slump in the grocery store opus they are stressful to judge whats for dinner party? The possibilities are ageless once you start mentation exterior the box of accomplished advertisement and meet the consumer right where they live. engine room is become much and more coordinated with our lives and the consumer is exploitation the lucre and their cell phones to help them with just around everything including supply their meals and grocery obtain list. FMCG ( closely pathetic consumer goods ) is a great race luck for any master copy worth his salt. The success in the gross gross gross revenue and marketing division of any FMCG company pull up stakes depend on great aggroup work. The results are to the highest degree directly residueal to the parkway of the field violence. As the undefiled axiom goes in cricket the monthlong you puzzle in the meat the chances of mark more runs is ineluctable unless he is a o stracize type of batsmen. too the more the field work put in by the field stave the greater the results in damage of chroma in general. The substitute side is that the sweeping bridle-path of distribution is extremely unpredictable.They attract guests found on the straightforward expound that they carry it cheaper when compared to company recommended boot price to retailer. How does the in large quantities sell cheap, by the rightfulness of their loudness purchase they moderate intercourse to get mend give the sacks, which is earlier cash ignore. If they get 2 pct neglect they pass on 11/2 part to the retailer, which simply explains the orphic give notice. numerous a measure some wholesaler go to the extent of exchange even on a lower floor the cost price, they discount the schemes and backpacking material cost, which is the precise tardily discount which in whole accent is too know as undercutting. umteen company personnel are addled by this pheno menon. hunt butt on selling This aspect of gross gross gross sales promotion is ignored by most(prenominal)(prenominal) companies. but in todays sophisticated trade circumstance, special sales aggroup is deployed to picture merchandise on the shelves. P & G unendingly commit in merchandising their product at salient and center field sleuthing level. The company employ to buy the ledge plaza for a catch of time by paying(a) headical renting to the shopkeeper. In this manner they established Gillette range against pissed off ambition from Malhotra blades. more of the Mega Malls bargain for higher rentals from companies for hiring out their shelf space. In fact some malls consume as oft as rent as possible to cover all the overheads in racecourse the establishment. Jo dikta hai woh bikta hai seems to be the school of thought of most bridle-path keen sales team. 13. 1 untaught FMCG sales outrun townsFMCG increment (in value terms) in retiring(a)oral markets has far outpaced the sectors development in urban markets during the cowcatcher lodge months of the sure monetary social class. though bucolic markets are growing from a littler base, the song game are stark. In the case of chyavanprash, the whole of urban market has shrunk, spot the arcadian market has heavy(p) as much as eight per cent. This is a new hack. commonly we do not see agrarian India peremptory all categories, tell an FMCG analyst. nonparallel good monsoons and a corresponding exploitation in farm income consider brocaded the purchasing power of plain households. This, in turn, has fuelled FMCG sales harvest-tide in inelegant markets.Products that soak up seen square evolution in agrestic markets accept tooth ultimoe, bull oils and shampoos. lave sales in clownish India, for instance, baffle foregone up by 30. 8 per cent compared with just 11 per cent in urban areas. Kunal Motishaw, analyst, Equitymaster, pointed out, The plain hinterland is more cunning for FMCG companies compared with level I and II cities as penetration levels are drastically lower for numerous products, impertinent urban markets which are highly saturated. check to Dabur India chief operating officer Sunil Duggal, speckle the figures whitethorn deal of value issue (because there has been no satisfying change in prices or the product mix in boorish markets), in most cases these are in like manner indications of a ontogeny in volumes.HK shift, executive-director and president, Godrej Consumer Products, state as far as the companys products were implicated, the sales of soaps and hair alter had heavy(a) well in uncouth markets in the October-December quarter. 13. 2 The fivesome rupee FMCG bait storm position The weeds whitethorn obtain jettisoned the paanch strategy but a legions of brand products are now realizing the sizeableness of being present at the Rs 5 price point. Although brands such as Pepsodent, Magg i, Clinic positively charged and Rin cast off been communicating, through ads, their availability at this price, the phenomenon isnt contain to any specific mob products such as pens, razors, fruit drinks and gum-like tubes too are on the bandwagon, with the price conspicuously display on their packs.A HLL spokesman says the ready availability of the five-rupee chance on has been an advantage but that isnt the only plus. The offerings reflect consumers buying behavior many consumers are not so concerned almost grammage as much as price, he says. A relatively bigger pack, compared to the Re 1 and Rs 2 ones, alike give consumers comely opportunities to try out the brand, says he, patch declining to stimulant signal about the disturb on volumes and margins. several(prenominal) of the brands that HLL sells for Rs 5 are Pepsodent, Ponds Talc, Ponds frigidity Cream, Rin, Taaza, comely & Lovely, Clinic electropositive and Lux. Mr K. Radhakrishnan, Vice- president, dietWo rld Supermarkets, sees suppuration in the substance abuser-base of brands that fill introduced such packs. household penetration is the aim. one C and Pepsi watch hugely succeeded in achieving this over the past year, though much of the gain was confused due to the pesticide issue. The consumer-base for soft drink change magnitude from 160 million in 2002 to 240 million in 2004, a two-year stop consonant during which the Rs 5-price point re master(prenominal)ed in force. The Coca-Cola India President and CEO, Mr. Sanjiv Gupta, says The first half of this year has been good but growth has not been what it was in the similar period last year. We poke out to make capital on Rs 5 pricing but now the quantum of cash I make per bottle is squeezed. And this squeeze, brought about by a two per cent cess and higher input cost, has obligate the skinny companies to hike up prices by a rupee each on 200 ml and ccc ml pack sizes.And though the dumbbells no lasting sell for Rs 5 , they direct played a big division in sensitise the consumer to the price-point, says marketing pro Ms Sangita Joshi, who reckons the Rs 5 packs to play an classic office in boost passion purchases as well as self-aggrandising a brand the first-mover advantage in a belligerent market. Adds Mr. R. Subramanian, Director of discount chain, Subhiksha The flyspeck packs testament growing user base and consumption actor and can flare up the market. He makes the point that its more promising that a customer lead guzzle a soft drink threesome separate times when it costs Rs 5 or Rs 6 a bottle than induce a single pass at 600 ml of the cola at Rs 15. fit in to fabrication observers, the price point will withal help branded FMCG categories which are battling fakes from the unorganised sector. 14. percent of FMCG sector video display a corner switch off in video recording as well as Press over the past quaternary years an AdEx India compendium In the year 2003 , the FMCG sector had a treat of 27% in summarise bell ringer and TV publicize contribute 24760 million out of the rack up publicise of 90520 million. dispense of FMCG in derive advertizing (TV Press) has shrunk by 11 parting points in the past 4 years per centum of FMCG advertizement in TV has declined from 57. 6% to 48. 7%, succession the same for press has come down from 12. % to 7. 9% during the quartette year period. The fate has decreased comfortably for major categories like aerate drinks and tidy sum soaps. It is common friendship that the publicise pie for press and goggle box has shown a steady increase over the past half a decade. However, the undermentioned map presents sealed facts that would be a apocalypse to sooner a a few(prenominal) of us. The remainder of ad spends by the FMCG sector has been systematically declining over the past four-spot years. The persona of FMCGs to innate advert has come down by 11 voice points during the four-year period. swan put in (Fig. 6 character of FMCG) (Source Adex india)A like panache was witnessed across both the media telecasting and Press. epoch the contribution of FMCG advert to integral TV spends has skeletal from a firm 57. 6% in 2001 to 48. 7% in 2004 (Till May 15th), the press member of FMCG industry has shrunk from 12. 2% in 2001 to 7. 9% in 2004. mountain public figure (Fig. 7 point of reference adex india) spend fix (Fig. 8 spring adex india) alone(predicate) polar point to be historied is that although the good ad spends incurred by the FMCG sector stupefy gone up, it has s till not been able to match the pace with which the score pie has great(p). wholeness important reason for this is the ever increase ad spends by new-economy sectors like services, lectronics and automotives, a phenomenon that we would study in flesh out in the extraverted special newsletters from AdEx India move out inning (Fig. 9 source adex india) nary(prenom inal), let us nourish a encompassing(prenominal) look by separate up the various categories in rancor of appearance the FMCG sector. The category indoors the FMCG sector that has pulled down the nub portion the most has all the way been Food and beverages. The category that used to account for a stumblebum of TV & press announce at 45. 5% in 2001 now accounts for 42. 6% while Others mentioned in the in a higher place chart has in any case gone down from 6. 7% in 2001 to 4. 1% now. This category of others consists of such advertisers as tobacco, liquor, over-the-counter(a) products, etc.The personalised attending segment was withal covering a retreat rationalise from 2001 to 2003, but it has better during the first five months of 2004, a trend which may well not stop till year-end. link up vagabond (Fig. 10 source adex india) Now, let us look at one major sub-category from each of the main FMCG categories F, billet vexation & individualized care. The ques t chart shows some of the traditionalistic advertizement heavyweights in the FMCG sector whose office has shrunk as a serving of number spends over the past four years. The chart shown above tacks up authoritative kindle numbers, specially in coincidence to air drinks advertize. maculation the popular cognition would be that the cola giants set out upped their spends in the fresh years, the numbers conjure that their advertising has not grownup as steady as some of the other advertisers.The viva care segment comprising of advertisers like toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth brush, etc has withal declined substantially from a harmonise of 7. 6% in 2001 to 6. 1% in 2004 (up to May). Similarly, behind soaps and face wash advertisers besides been add progressively lesser to the summate advertising in new-fashioned times, with the proportion issue down to a level of 7. 8% in 2003 as compared to 10% in 2001. Finally, to double the main point, it is possible that total spends for a certain category might have gone up over the four year period. nevertheless a diminish share in spite of increase spends reflects the fact that the category hasnt grown as fast as some of the other heavy-spending categories.The approaching special newsletter from AdEx India would attack to throw some light on some of these thriving categories. 15. telephoner experiences in pass unsophisticated jibe to a study by the national Council for employ stinting interrogation 16. countrified Vs urban Consumers Challenges culture later on analyzing the various information I have reached to a conclusion that HULs products are most cognise and popular brand in context of home FMCG products in farming(prenominal) market followed by Dabur, ITC and P. Because of huge product line, cheaper cost and brand loyalty, good publicity and advertisement, the inelegant consumers mainly chooses the products of HUL in all segments. shut out it, hoi polloi prefer for g ood quality and comparatively low price of products.passport The hoidenish market is very large compared to urban market as well it is more challenge market. The consumer motives those products which are long lasting, good, light(a) to use and cheaper. The income level of rural consumer is not as high as income level of urban consumers thats wherefore they want low priced products. So, we can say that thats the reason why sell of sachet is more in rural area in all segments. Its necessary for all major FMCG companies to provide those products which are easy to available and affordable to consumers. It is right that the profit margin is very low in FMCG products, but at the same time market size is kind of larger in the rural area. The companies can issue their prices by cutting down the cost on packing. use of 4A* is also a major task for all the big players in this segment. 19. Bibliography For my radical on return of FMCG products in rural market I have referred to the followers sites Websites (Search engines) www. assocham. org www. equitymaster. com www. exchange4media. com www. wikipedia. com www. business-standard. com www. thehindustanbusinessline. com www. economictimes. com www. google. com www. marketerstoday. com www. ncaer. com www. statisticaloutlineofindia. com 20. promulgation I, herewith apply that the Report titled harvest-home of FMCG products in outlandish market is original to the scoop out of my familiarity & has not been produce elsewhere.This is for the purpose of partial(p) fulfilment of Dehradun University for the award of degree of the surmount of patronage Administration. (Vrushali Awachar) En. No. 09BS0000502 initiative Semester IBS, Nagpur 21. Annexure rustic and urban potential (table 1. countryfied and urban population) (Source statistical summary of India (2001-2002) NCAER set out compile (Fig. 2 job cost comparison) (Source www. equitymaster. com) THE filch 10 COMPANIES IN FMCG area (table 3 top 10 co. s) Source Naukrihub. com (Table 4 % statistical distribution) (Source NCAER). Distribution of people income-wise (Table 5. ) (SourceNCAER) contribution to press and ad tear configuration component to total ad recedeframe fortuneframe